This is a guide of how to repair grub in the
event your windows 7 removed the grub during the installation
First thing that you'll need to do is to boot from a kali linux live cd.
After that, go to gparted so that you can get to see where kali was
installed: usually it's in the file system that ends with ext4,
depending with the file system you used during the installation. In my
case, the kali linux system was in sda3, but it varies with different
From there, you'll have to use the terminal for the following commands:
Code:mount /dev/sda3 /mnt mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys chroot /mnt grub-install /dev/sda update-grub exit umount /mnt/dev/pts umount /mnt/dev umount /mnt/proc umount /mnt/sys umount /mnt
This will restore the old kali linux boot loader, however, you will have to boot into kali once the live cd is out, so as to add windows into the boot loader. Once booted, go to the terminal and do the following:
Code:os-prober update-grub
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